Banco do Brasil.

UX Designer

BB Tecnologia e Serviços Apr 2015 - Sep 2018

Business Management Software

BB Plugins Mockup Developed a globally competitive management software solution at Banco do Brasil, aiming at streamlining international financial transactions. The innovative software was designed to replace Gestão BB, streamlining payments, receipts, and other services for the accounting sector of Banco do Brasil's legal clients. The software prioritized keyboard-only navigation, featuring a high-fidelity Axure RP prototype with 47 screens and dynamic forms. Tested internally for six months, the software aimed to offer users a seamless and efficient experience.

BB Mobile App version 3

BB Mobile App 3 - Marketing Material BB Mobile App 3 - Marketing Material BB Mobile App 3 - Marketing Material Collaborated on the design, prototyping, and testing of numerous features during the migration from Mobile App 2.0 to 3.0. Utilizing the React Native architecture, the app eliminated the need for native components, granting more creative freedom and consistency across platforms. With extensive user research, testing, and iterative design, the two-year project allowed for simultaneous development of various components, resulting in a highly functional and user-friendly app.


Developed the front-end for the National Information System of Consumer Protection, an internal software utilized by PROCON (Consumer Protection and Defense Program) across Brazil. By adhering to Google Material Design and Bootstrap guidelines, the project ensured a cohesive and modern visual identity for the organization. Mobile App Revamped the consumer protection portal ( with high-fidelity prototyping in Axure RP and motion design. Conducted A/B testing with internal groups to refine the user experience and subsequently developed the front-end of the website.

Infrastructure Project Management

GPI Created a service order manager software for internal use by Banco do Brasil's Infrastructure Projects team. Over a three-month conception period, the project involved front-end development using Bootstrap, streamlining project management processes within the organization.

BB Mobile App version 2

BB Mobile App 2 BB Mobile App 2 - Windows Phone Spearheaded the high-fidelity prototyping in Axure RP for Banco do Brasil's "new" mobile application. Adapted the existing 2011 app (1.0) to the 2.0 version with a refreshed look and feel. Managed the development and testing of new features, accommodating the unique constraints of Android, iOS, and Windows Phone platforms. The updated app, launched in 2014, transitioned from an iframe architecture to native component architectures (swift, java, and c#, according to mobile platforms), enhancing user experience across devices.

Other Projects

BB Hotsite BB Modular Intranet BB Modular Intranet Mobile BB Mobile App 2